Friday, March 6, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Last Saturday afternoon Dana and Sherry Howard invited us to go to Northwest Mountain where a new church is being planted. Their 3 children and 3 Ecuadorian children from the Seminary compound were going to help with Sunday School during the adult service. (I tried to put pictures in draft from two cameras, but they published in the order they were drafted.) Sorry, but you will get the feeling and know what happened that afternoon!

Christa Howard, Maria, and Solomae

Candace Howard

Courtney Howard

Dana Howard

Sherry Howard

Attracting Adults, Too!

The Adult Service

Boys Watchig from a High Wall (over 6')

Opening Game to Attract Children

Adam ate the Fruit Also

God put Adam to sleep and Created Eve

The Serpent is telling Eve it's Okay to Eat

Eve is looking at the Fruit

God Created Trees (the boys)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Learning the Bible Verse

singing Songs

The entrance to the lot where we had Sunday School

View from across the lot where we had the Sunday School.

The Changing view of Our Mountain

Now I would call this a cloud in front of your mountain!

Is this fog or a cloud making it so we can't see our mountain?

The Changing Look of our Mountian View

On Sat, Feb. 28, we had some interesting taxi rides with Barbara and Howard Culbertson. We first went to an area where it seemed like every road in Quito converged. We were dropped off at a Micky D's and Howard scouted around to see where the Christian Book store was. We had to make four crossing of busy streets to get there. When we were finished, we took a cab to Key Central mall. There we went to a disappointing Ace hardware store. On our taxi ride, we asked the driver what kind of palm trees we say. He said coconut and Howard said he wouldn't send him to a store for a coconut as they weren't coconut tress. He let us off and we asked him how to get to Mega, Mega Maxi as we would walk there from the hardware store. After he left, I remi nded Howard about the coconuts. Mega Mega Maxi is the size of a Sam's and has that kind of stuff. We bought our groceries and then hailed a cab. When we started out, the right back wheel made an AWFUL noise. Sandy thought it might be a bearing. After riding about 10 minutes, the taxi started to smoke. Sandy told the driver, but he just kept driving merrily along. Cars started to honk at us and at one stoplight a man got out and talked to the driver. We finally got him to understand about the smoke, but he drove on 2 blocks until we insisted he stop. The back bumper of the taxi had been pushed in by an accident of some kind and it was rubbing on the tire. The tire was starting to melt. The man saw it and helped us flag down another taxi. The meter said 2.60 and we gave him 3.00 and he seemed happy and smiled at us as he helped us put the groceries into the new taxi. We didn't have far to go and new driver wanted to charge us 5.oo . The whole taxi ride would have cost us 4.00 if we had stayed with the first man. We had a stand off with the driver as Howard argued with him in Spanish that that was way too much. The man just stood there and kept saying 5.00. ( He had driven us into the compound) Finally we gave him 3.00 and said that was all we had. He stood there a few minutes and then got into his cab and drove off. Barbara and I could hardly keep from laughing. The taxi that was smoking had a sign in the back window that said for sale. We could imagine what we would have thought if we had been following him and what everyone else must have thought!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Come Join Me to do Laundry

I'm off to do laundry. Today I only have one trash bag full. Most times I have two. I carry them both and my soap if Mr. Sanderson isn't around to help me carry. He is usually working in the shop when I'm doing laundry. Watch your step, we have a long, steep trip!!

I start my trip going down the steps to our apartment. Glad to have your company today!

I cross the parking lot to the climb upward.

Now I have to climb up these steps!!! Huff, huff! Really, I'm doing so much better than the first couple of weeks we were here.

Now, after a short rest, I have to climb this incline. My thighs are growing stronger every day!!!

I'm up the hill and the laundry room is at the far end. The rest of this building top and bottom are rooms for the seminary students and NILI students. There are three such buildings on this level.

I go back to my apartment. This is the view from the laundry room door. The middle two windows are ours. The view and the sky are pretty today!

Comfortable Chairs ????

Finally I'm in the laundry room after setting all of my things down to unlock the door.

Now to go back down the hill. The building below is the Missionary administration office. Carolyn and Dwight Rich, Joh Fischer, and Dana Howard have offices there.

The view I have as I come down the steps of our building, the retaining wall, and the flowers I stop to enjoy on my trip to the apartment!
On the way back I take time to look at the flowers. The retaining wall is really pretty, too. The wholes you see in the wall are drainage pipes.
More landscaping to enjoy on my way back.

These are the flowers around the communications building which is under us. (You would think by living above them I would have good computer service--not so!)
That tall pink flower is a geranium which comes up to Glen's chin!
Back to home sweet home, but will have to take the trip to change the clothes to the dryer and to get them back home.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The covered walkway leading into the restaurant where we ate on New Year's Eve.

The wooden floor of the walkway.

There were beautiful wood carvings on the restaurant walls.